Food Service

NEW from Food Service

Create Your Very Own Classroom Celebration!

Goodies delivered to the classroom. See details on the attached below. Click here to download form.

classroom celebrations

The Nutrition Group

The Nutrition Group is committed to providing nutritious meals to our students and also education about wise food choices. We hope that you will assist your child with making healthy, balanced food choices at home and at school. We look forward to working with the students and helping them to establish healthy eating habits.

Breakfast free to all students for the 24-25 school year.

The Wellsboro Area School District’s Food Service Department is excited to provide parents the ability to view your child’s account balance through a web site called Registration is free. Parents have the ability to print a copy of their child’s purchase history report. This history report will show you all dates and times that your child has purchased lunch within the past thirty days.

This site is also a convenient, easy and secure on-line prepayment service to deposit money into your child’s school meal account at any time. The Schoolcafe site can be viewed without using the on-line payment option. Parents can still send lunch money in an envelope to school with their child’s name, grade, account number, and amount enclosed.

Medical Plan of Care SNP


Mrs. Katrina Doud, Director

Office: (570) 724-0330

USDA Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder

Free and Reduced Food Program

2024-25 Free and Reduced Lunch Application and Income Guidelines
​(Adobe Reader is required to open this file. It is freely available here: Download Adobe Reader)


We are excited to provide a new and improved way to apply and track your eligibility benefits – it’s called SchoolCafe Eligibility. The link below will take you directly to SchoolCafe. But first:

Are you an existing SchoolCafe user and already have an account (you have made a payment on a lunch account, viewed purchase activity or viewed the school meals menu)?

· Yes: Click the link below, sign in, then navigate to “Eligibility Benefits” (left hand side menu), then click “Apply”.

· No: Click “Register” to sign up for a new parent account. Once you are registered, your initial screen will prompt you to add students to your SchoolCafe account. This process helps us identify those students within your household so that we can quickly and accurately identify them for applying. Once your children are added to your account, navigate to “Eligibility Benefits” and click “Apply”.

SchoolCafe will walk you through the application process.

SchoolCafe Eligibility provides history and tracking of submitted applications. Need a copy of the Benefit Notification letter(s)? No problem, just print one out. The best part is SchoolCafe provides a complete mobile-friendly experience. Complete your application from your phone or mobile device by accessing the website ( No need to download an app from the device store.

Food Prices for the 2024-25 School Year

Breakfast is free to all students for the 24-25 school year.

Student Meals:

  • Elementary Paid Lunch – $2.25

  • Middle School Paid Lunch – $2.50

  • High School Paid Lunch – $2.50

Adult Meals:

  • Breakfast – $3.00

  • Lunch – $4.75

Wellsboro 24-25 Ala carte list
You can access the Free/Reduced Meal Application by clicking here.

Non-Discrimination Statement

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Please click here to read the full statement.